Sunday, November 16, 2008

Printed advertising.

First of all, there is a printed ad for Adobe CS4!!! I really like this ad cause It reminds me that my hand could control the way I want to paint or design things more than the computer and program does. However, CS4 gives that ability to me and the user!!!

Advertising Agency : Bates141, Jakarta, Indonesia
Creative director : Hendra lesmono
Art Directors : Andreas Junus, Irawandhani Kamarga
Copywriter : Darrick Subrata

Well, I have researched for my Advertising class and found some printed ads for the service companies and some interesting ads on the Bus Shelter. I would like to share these ads to my classmates.


Anonymous said...

Funny, I found that Photoshop ad the day our projects were due and I said to myself, "I wish I had thought of that." Oh well, I'm happy with what my partner and eye did.

glam417 said...

@ kevin: hahahaha nice pun.

@ natt: i really like these ads! really beautiful... and yeah... i thought the same thing as kevin "i wish i had thought of that" hahaha