Saturday, May 3, 2008

GETTY Museum Project...

March 20th, 2008

I had a chance to go to Getty museum with my Japanese-American friend, Karen Hirosawa. We both were assigned to sketch 6 artworks from 5 eras, Late Gothic, Italian Renaissance, Northern European (1400s-1550s), Baroque, Modern/Contemporary and one of our favorite.

Spring (1894)
Lawrence Alma Tadema
My favorite.

Well, I discovered that American-students rarely work with their project as a group. They finish it alone. On the other hand, Thai-students always study with their friends and help each other. 

Anyway, I had lots of fun with her at the museum. We might make a bigger group in the next assignment for our happy project.

1 comment:

Puvanai Dardarananda said...


how r u doing?

aj mon