Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Obsessive Consumption.

Well, let me start with what I have been up to lately....
My school just started last week with many anxieties ... lol cause so many things going on to our campus. The government cut the ( I would say "BIG") budget from our school, actually the whole CSU. Which means, the CSU schools have less money to spend on the education and everything. Therefore, they have to cancel bunch of classes and close the school every other Friday.....what ??? close school every other Friday ???? Yeah.....BUT, not completely close...but close HAHA whatever !!!!

So, is that affect me and my other design students including undergraduate and graduate students ?? Oh hell yeah !!!!
First of all, we have to pay 10 % - 20 % more for our tuition fees but there will be less class than it was !!!! make so many senses huh ?$!@#^#%
Second, the school will not accepting new and transfer students until Fall 2010.....Oh my, we have to face to same design students, dame ideas and styles from them for another one more year !!! We need new students for sharing and opening our eyes with the fresh and new ideas....

By the way, I do not want to complain more about this...I would let it just .......Sigh

Hey!! since the first line there was nothing to do with obsessive consumption !!!!
Alright, here is the thing, I have to come up with ideas for my thesis which I have to propose in the Winter 2010.
Since, I took a class with Prof. Jimmy -Information Design, I am kind of interested in the information design. I would say I am obsessed looking at the visual information no matter how complicated it is. even more, I could not get the massage or the content from that design. I still appreciate the beauty of the color, the composition, the letters and the background.... Background ?? Yeah, Background... why is the background? Because, this canvas gives the balance to the design and to the information underneath that design....take a moment and look at every single design around you, you will see how important of the background and the color of it.
Ok, let's get to the point of obsessive consumption. I will talk about consumption in the capitalism society. I will be documenting and collecting the data of what I consume for a day in a year and might be able to manipulate those information to some sort of and visual graphic which could tell all my story and and contribute to some other prospective international design students.
Hopefully, this idea might be interesting and might leads me to something in the end of the project.... It might be something totally different from the thing that I have mentioned before...Who knows ?

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