Finally, I have already caught up with everything that I was so behind for the past two weeks!
School projects, events project from graphic office, office duties, and an essays for applying student scholarship, these are things which had already been taken care off properly and slowly.
It is about time to take off for the next step of changing something, something that is wrong, something that is set with the wrong attitude and wrong understanding. I am changing these kind of things slowly and quietly. Just only a few people who could be able to notice, however some are still taking the same steps and would not be able to get the message!

Yothsaran Rermraksakul March 4th, 2010
I was confused and suffered for a while where should I stand and what should I do? Should I just being like a wind and or water that flows following the majority in the society?
Hell NO! That was my answer that is really hard to be figured out!